
I recently finished Bob Goff’s book, Everybody Always. Lately I had been feeling a little more distant than usual to God but, I feel like he knew when I picked up the book that day that I would read it at just the right time in my life and it would help me. So often it’s so easy to feel as if we’ve made too many mistakes for God to give us another chance. We compare ourselves to the people around us way too much, or we simply just judge people that we’ve never even gotten the chance to know. Throughout all that and the mistakes we’ve made …there is always Good News – GOD LOVES US. The lesson of this book is simple and can be summed up in 2 words- Love Everybody. I won’t go into detail about the book because I highly recommend you just take a day and read it but, God’s one goal for each of us is to love everyone like He did. At the end of the day God isn’t going to care about how many awards you earned, what job you had, how you dressed, or if you got a 100 likes on your last post. He’s going to care about how you took the time and loved others.


1 Corinthians 13: 4-7